Investment Funds

Vista Long Biased FIC


Vista Long Biased is the most flexible fund under the Equities segment.

The long positions are identical to the positions in the Vista FIA fund, with greater flexibility in cash management and aggregate exposure.

The portfolio can also rely on positions with relative value, uncovered short selling, operating assets outside of Brazil (limited to 20% of the AuM) and, occasionally, having positions in fixed income and currencies as a means of hedging.

General Information

Inception Date 10/26/2018
Anbima Class Multistrategy
Administrator BTG Pactual
Performance Fee 20% of what exceeds the CDI, with watermark
Investment D+1
Redemption D+32
Target Audience Investors in general
Fund Manager Vista Capital
Management Fee 2,00%
Minimum Investment R$25,000.00
Investment D+30
Early Redemption Fee 10%


Investment funds do not have the guarantee of the administrador, the portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism or, even, the credit guarantee fund – FGC. Read the prospectus, the supplementary information form, the essential information sheet and the regulations before investing. The profitability disclosed is not net of taxes and early redemption fees.  ANBIMA type description available in the supplementary information form.

This institution adhered to the ANBIMA code of Regulation and Best Practices for investment funds.

The information contained in this Website is provided for informational purposes only, and do not imply share distribution. Vista Capital does not sell or distribute share in investment funds or any other financial asset. Investment funds do not have the guarantee of the administrador, the portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism or, even, the credit guarantee fund – FGC. Past profitability is no guarantee of future profitability. To assess the performance of investment funds, an analysis of a period of at least 12 (twelve) months is recommended. Investors are advised to read the investment funds’ prospectus and regulations carefully when investing their funds. These funds use derivative strategies as an integral part of their investment policy; such strategies, as adopted, may result in significant equity losses for its shareholders, and may even result in losses greater than the capital invested and the consequent obligation of the shareholder to provide additional resources to cover the loss of the funds.